"What is reflexology?" I get asked this question a lot. In recent years reflexology has gained much greater awareness and a huge surge in popularity, along with interest in complementary therapy in general. That said, it isn't on everybody's radar, so when I tell people that I'm a reflexologist it often prompts the question which I take great delight in answering with my standard explanation:
What is reflexology?
Reflexology is a holistic complementary therapy which, alongside conventional medical care, can help to promote natural recovery, the relief of stress, feelings of well-being and provide support to those living with chronic conditions, experiencing fertility issues or requiring maternity support.
The feet, hands and ears have been mapped by eminent pioneers of the practice of reflexology, the origins of which can be traced back to ancient Egypt. All the organs and systems of the body correspond to precise reflexes which, when stimulated using a variety of techniques, can return the body to balance and create the most optimum conditions for healing to take place. A skilled practitioner is able to detect imbalances within the reflexes and will pay particular attention to that area.
Is reflexology the same as a foot massage?
I am proud of my skill and my ability to offer clinical reflexology to help my clients overcome all manner of issues. However, recently I have come to acknowledge that the answer to "What is reflexology" is not quite so black and white!

A few weeks ago I took part in a 'Pamper Evening'. There were other therapies available, such as shoulder massage and aromatherapy, along with make-up demonstrations and nail artists. I was giving short reflexology taster sessions. It was a busy but enjoyable evening and my clients all left my stand relaxed and smiling.
I usually get a bit annoyed when I hear reflexology referred to as a foot massage as I feel this belittles my training and all that I endured to qualify. But, I became aware at the pamper evening, that some of those clients will have left me quite happy with their 'foot massage' as they moved on to have their nails done. My clients had received a taste of expert clinical reflexology, but was that their perception? Yes I am now accepting that reflexology can be many things to many people. There is no reason why it can't be used as a 'pamper' treatment. The stress-relieving qualities of reflexology are widely researched and known to be extremely effective - perfect for a pamper session!
Why should I have reflexology?
My clients come for reflexology for all sorts of reasons - to soothe the mind, body, spirit or any combination of the three. For health issues, general relaxation and well-being, time-out from busy family life or even a good chat to relieve loneliness.
If reflexology helps you, then the labels and lengthy explanations fade into insignificance.
Question:- What is reflexology?
Answer:- It is whatever you want it to be. Why don't you give it a try, it might just amaze you!