The turn of the new year leads many to give up something, usually in aid of improved health and wellbeing. Giving up can be difficult, especially something that’s been hard-wired into your lifestyle for decades. Invariably these resolutions and pledges eventually dwindle, stealthily creeping back into the routine or diet until all that’s left is a sense of failure. The act of giving up – in fact, the very words all scream negativity. In my view, that’s not a very good way to kick off a brand-new year!
Let’s greet the infant 2025 with plans full of positivity. Using my 6 ways to plan a positive new year, ditch all thoughts of giving things up and instead, work out what you would like to do more of. Maintain a more balanced lifestyle by offsetting anything that may be less than ideal with healthier choices. It is an opportunity to explore new activities and new foods that may lead to a fresh way forward, creating enjoyment along the way. There are so many ways to boost your health and wellbeing, lift your mood and begin the new year on a positive high.
6 ways to plan a positive new year
Bring out your creative side – The process of making something gives a great sense of achievement. Explore different creative arts to find your talent. From painting, knitting and sewing to pottery and photography; you may be drawn to one activity or many. Joining a class or workshop can be a great way share the experience with new friends.
Banish those winter blues with exercise that gets those endorphins flowing. Choose a type that you enjoy such as dancing, Zumba, hiking, swimming, cycling and running; anything that makes you smile and feel alive.
Explore new culinary realms. Release yourself from the rut of cooking the same old meals – it’s Tuesday therefore it must be chips & egg*! Try out some new cookbooks and online recipes or swap ideas with friends. Take a journey round the world in dishes and flavours. This is also a great opportunity to eat more healthily!
Get involved in your community. Join a local organisation or group or become a volunteer for a charity. If you have any free time to spare, this can be extremely rewarding and another way to expand your social network.
Introduce a daily stress relief strategy. Planning time to unwind and step off the whirl of the merry-go-round of modern life is such an important aspect of self-care and wellbeing. Indulging in regular, relaxing reflexology sessions is a perfect way to destress, help you sleep better, improve mood and promote natural health. Other ways to bring calm to your day include meditation, yoga, nature walks or a long soak in the bath.
Grow your own veg. If you are lucky enough to have an outside space, however small, growing your own food will bring benefits in so many ways. In nurturing plants, we nurture our own physical and mental wellness. Connecting with nature, being outdoors, physical exercise and best of all, you get to eat the healthy food you have grown, saving money in the process.
Make the simple resolution to love your life. Focus on the positive and the negative things will fade to the background. Surround yourself with friends and family who are supportive and optimistic. Limit your world news and negative social media intake. Make plans that will take you closer to your dreams and count your blessings every day.
Wishing you a happy, peaceful, and positive New Year!
*’Shirley Valentine’ 1989 – Screenplay: Willy Russell