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  • Writer's pictureJan Johnson

Are You Ready for ‘REFLEXANUARY’?

Feet with happy face drawn in the top - Happy feet

January is a traditional month for personal goals and challenges. We make promises to ourselves to eat more healthily, get fit, give up smoking and taking part in ‘Dry January;’ abstaining from alcohol for the month. Whatever we do, it generally follows the theme of self-care. We feel compelled to improve our health and wellbeing, spurred on by festive excesses and New-Year-new-start thinking.


Working in the profession I love, in my opinion there is nothing better than to include reflexology in your self-care plan this year. In fact, I’d like to start a trend to spread the word – celebrating ‘REFLEXANUARY.’ Make a personal pledge to try reflexology. There is absolutely no self-sacrifice or hard work involved and I guarantee you will feel better for it!


Reflexology is a complementary therapy, widely accepted and recognised by the NHS and hospices. It does not aim to replace conventional medicine, nor can it be used to diagnose or prescribe. Its function is to support physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. It is a gentle, non-invasive therapy delivered via the feet, hands, ears or face. The most popular method is foot reflexology but it is not just a foot massage. Reflexology is based on the principle that reflex points (or pressure points) correspond to every organ, gland and part of the body. A typical initial session will begin with a health and lifestyle consultation. The reflexology treatment will then start with a guided relaxation to allow the body and mind to calm. The treatment follows with precise thumb and finger-walking techniques, applying pressure to each reflex on the top and bottom of the foot. The reflexologist is looking for imbalances felt within the reflexes and the aim is to bring about rebalance and maintain homeostasis throughout the body. Reflexology is a safe therapy suitable for everyone of all ages. There are a few instances where reflexology may not be possible or where it is advisable to work with caution. This is why, if you are considering your ‘Reflexanuary’ treatment, check that your practitioner has a recognised qualification at either level 3 or level 5 and is fully insured. You can choose your reflexologist with confidence by visiting the listing for your area at These practitioners will adhere to a code of ethics, be trained to a high standard and must continue their professional development.

 The definition of a reflexologist is “Someone who solves a problem you didn’t know you had in a way you don’t understand.”
Using reflexology in ancient Egypt
Using reflexology in ancient Egypt

This is a little tongue-in-cheek but essentially a true description. How reflexology works is a bit of a mystery as it has its roots in ancient civilisations of Egypt, China and India going back thousands of years. However, we do know how beneficial it can be. Some of the benefits include feelings of deep relaxation, a reduction in stress, improved sleep and an elevation in mood and wellbeing. Improvement in blood circulation and the relaxing effects promote natural healing and energise the body. A treatment provides a period of time for relaxation where you will receive one-to-one attention and a supportive touch in a calm and empathetic environment.


Reflexology is a very individualised treatment and some people find it works for them – some don’t. Are you ready for 'Reflexanuary'? The best way to find out is to join in and try it!

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